Public Statements Anna Larsson Public Statements Anna Larsson

Containers Lost at Sea – 2023 Update

In total 661 containers lost at sea in 2022, out of 250 million transported. This represents the lowest losses in % since the start of the survey in 2008. The improved numbers are positive news, but there is no time for complacency and we will continue our work to reduce the number of containers lost at sea. Safety is a job that never stops, and every container lost at sea will always be one too many.

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EU, Public Statements, Customs Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements, Customs Anna Larsson

Joint statement on the publication of the UCC from the European Commission's Trade Contact Group

As active members of the European Commission's Trade Contact Group (TCG), we have constantly engaged in a constructive manner to support the full implementation of the Union Customs Code (UCC) and have always recognized its essential role in sustaining compliant, effective and efficient international trade. Therefore, we are poised to work in the closest collaborative partnership with the European Commission, the European Parliament and all EU Member States to deliver a successful implementation of the UCC reform.

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Public Statements Anna Larsson Public Statements Anna Larsson

World Shipping Council: FuelEU Maritime adds positive momentum to shipping’s path to decarbonisation

Jim Corbett, Environmental Director Europe for WSC comments on the conclusion of the FuelEU trilogue. “Today’s trilogue agreement on FuelEU Maritime is an important EU Green Deal policy for shipping. I am pleased to see that the regulation will evaluate fuels on their GHG performance across their full lifecycle. WSC worked with the parties for an effective, technology neutral regulation that will help drive the supply of alternative fuels and ensure real reductions in GHG emissions. We welcome the agreement announced today and will continue to work for effective FuelEU implementation that ensures that demand for renewable marine fuels in the EU region is matched by supply.”

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Public Statements Anna Larsson Public Statements Anna Larsson

TCG Statement on World Customs Day: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge Sharing and Professional Pride in Customs for 2023 

Today, the World Shipping Council (WSC) and members of the European Commission’s Trade Contact Group (TCG) have published a joint statement on World Customs Day to honour the inaugural meeting of the Customs Co-operation Council on January 26 and commend the World Customs Organisation (WCO) for adopting the topic “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge Sharing and Professional Pride in Customs" for 2023.

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USA, Public Statements Anna Larsson USA, Public Statements Anna Larsson

Petition for Review of Federal Maritime Commission’s Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FMC-2022-0066)

This Petition for Review of the Commission’s Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) regarding Docket No. 2022-0066 is being submitted on behalf of the World Shipping Council (WSC) and the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA).

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EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson

Ambitious marine fuel standards: Tackling climate change and developing business opportunities

An open letter to the EU Parliament, Commission and Council from Danish Shipping, Methanol Institute, and the World Shipping Council in connection with the FuelEU trilogue negotiations.

Green fuels are essential for the maritime sector to deliver on the EU Green Deal and the Paris Agreement. The technologies for making the green fuels exist, but production capacities must be scaled up to make the fuels available for shipping. FuelEU Maritime can provide the certainty needed to ensure investments in scaling up green fuels, but the ambitions need to be strengthened to send a clear market signal. Danish Shipping, Methanol Institute, and World Shipping Council therefore call for increasing the ambition in the FuelEU, maximising GHG-intensity reduction from 2035 to 2050 and supporting early use of green e-fuels.

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EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson

Life-cycle-approach: Key to unlocking green investments and climate mitigation

Green fuels are essential for the maritime sector to deliver on the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal. The technology for producing and using the new green fuels exists, but their production and distribution needs to be considerably upscaled. To get the necessary investments started today, politicians need to provide certainty on the requirements for the fuels of tomorrow by agreeing on a life-cycle approach in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). An open letter from Danish Shipping, Methanol Institute, Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners, Swedish Shipowners’ Association, and the World Shipping Council.

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EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson

WSC response to the call for evidence on the reform of the Union’s customs legislation

Taking the Customs Union to the next level as pledged by President Von der Leyen, should equip the EU to better withstand present and future challenges, while protecting its citizens and harnessing the economic opportunities of the 21st century. To do so Europe will continue to rely on its external trade and maritime commerce. The future Customs Union needs to be better configured for that trade to flourish securely. The completion of a genuine Customs Union characterised by the seamless application of its rules across all EU Member States, the operation by default of common EU IT systems and innovative processes remains a key priority.

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EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson

WSC Requests to the European Council for an EU ETS achieving Green Deal Success

WSC members in the liner industry are among the first movers leading the decarbonisation transition globally and within the European region. We need good policy in the Fit-for-55 package and especially an effective inclusion of shipping within the EU ETS framework that delivers the right GHG price signals to the parties that can change and shift the sector to the green vessel technology needed for deep decarbonisation.

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EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson EU, Public Statements Anna Larsson

European Parliament TRAN Committee Opinion acknowledges vessel owner and operator shared responsibility for decarbonisation

Regulation to include shipping in the EU ETS is under development as part of the EU Green Deal, a great opportunity for the EU to contribute to the transition to zero carbon for international shipping. The European Commission proposal is now under review by the European Parliament, with the EP ENVI Committee holding the lead rapporteur role and EP TRAN Committee providing input guided by rapporteur Mr Novakov.

WSC welcomes the thorough work done by Mr Novakov in considering how the EU ETS can be most effective as well as practical to implement.

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